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Decluttering Delight: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Clean Up Hoarding

how to clean up hoarding

You may not be a hoarder in the clinical sense of the word, but if your house does not feel like a sanctuary, and it has become a place that leaves you stressed, then this article may be for you.

Aside from hiring hoarding clean-up services, you can do other things to declutter your space. We have put together cleaning tips for hoarders — to help you get on top of your current situation and ensure that it won’t happen again.

Tip #1: Evaluate the Situation and Design a Plan

Assess how to clean up hoarding and how bad your current situation is. Identify how to clean up hoarding and how much time you have spent accumulating all the clutter. Can you tackle the mess on your own? Or do you need family support to get on top of your situation? Can you finish it in a day or will it take some time?

To counter hoarding effectively, you do not need to finish decluttering in one day. You have to create a plan, instead of forming unreasonable expectations where you will likely fail. Make sure that your plan covers one room at a time and set deadlines for task completion. Otherwise, you are never going to get started with the task.

Tip #2: Understand the Motivation of Action

The goal is to clear the clutter and organise things. So, do the cleaning work for yourself. Know why you have decided to clear out what you have hoarded now. Identify the reasons why the clutter happened in the first place. If you leave the issues that caused the problems unresolved, chances are, they could happen again.

Tip #3: Set Specific and Manageable Goals

As a hoarder who is looking to finally clean up, you should set manageable goals. If you have spent months or even years creating clutter, you are unlikely to clean up your space overnight. A manageable goal may involve starting with 1 to 2 rooms at a time over weekends. Start with a small room. You can move in an area that you can feel some early success to keep you motivated.

Tip #4: Use the Right Supplies, Follow a Systematic Process

Utilising the right tools and system is a good starting point. Use heavy-duty trash bags to throw out the rubbish. Get empty boxes, such as cardboard boxes, to put recycling materials and papers in. You may also need heavy-duty storage boxes to keep things that do not belong where they currently are; as well as things that are too good to throw out.

Bring in buckets and mops to clean the floor. Use all-purpose cleaners or disinfectants, sponges, and cloths to wipe down all surfaces after you have cleared them. Then, get a broom or dustpan, vacuum cleaner, and extra bags for the dust you will encounter while cleaning after hoarding. You will want to vacuum after you have cleared a room.

Tip #5: Donate or Sell Some of Your Things

You do not have to throw all the clutter in the bin. If the items are still useful, divide them into the donate pile or sell pile. You can sell some items through a garage sale or an online marketplace. Set yourself a strict deadline to sell it. If you are unable to sell it within that timeframe, donate it to charity so it does not just turn into clutter again.

Tip #6: Get Rid of Duplicates

Some people hold on to duplicate items thinking that one day they might need them. But what if that one day never comes? If you were in their shoes, are you going to hold on to these items unused, forever?

If you have held onto duplicate items over the years and have a hard time knowing where to start decluttering, get rid of with duplicate items first. While this may not be easy, throwing or giving away all duplicates allows you to see how to clean up hoarding and how much space you just cleared up in your home and how to clean up hoarding how much more organised your home looks. Then, the motivation to clean the rest of the house will come its way.

Tip #7: Use the “Box Technique”

For an effective cleaning process, use the “box technique.” Deciding on keeping something or not can be hard, especially if it has sentimental value. By putting your items in a box in your shed or garage, you do not have to throw them away. If you have not used the items or opened the box after a few months, then it’s time to donate them to charity.
Aside from following the laid-out plan, you need to make quick and informed decisions. When you are sorting your items, make a decision and stick to it. After all, it is common for people to decide to throw something away, then look back through the “donate” box and decide they do want to keep it.

Tip #8: Make a Decision and Stick to It

Tip #9: Know When it’s Time to Reach Out for Help

Hoarders often find the idea of decluttering the house too overwhelming. If you continue to put off cleaning because of stress, it may be time to reach out for help. Professional counselling services and property clearing sydney can help you dispassionately look at a situation and make better decisions about what to do with the items around your house.

Tip #10: Hire Hoarding Clean-Up Services

Living in a house that looks like it’s off of “Hoarders” makes decluttering a lot harder. The cleaning job can be complicated, overwhelming, and time-consuming. If you do not have the time and energy to clean your house, you can always trust the experts at Deceased Estate Sydney to do the work for you.

Our cleaning professionals will get rid of anything that does not give you joy and will help you declutter your house without being overwhelmed. We will give you time to do things that you love and enjoy doing.

Take the First Step to Stop Hoarding Today!

Sure, decluttering is a long and tiring process. But it is worth all your sweat. If you follow the decluttering tips that we have provided above, you will be well on your way to a decluttered home in no time. Contact us for your cleaning and clearing services need at your convenience.